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Map of the heritage of Slovenian Istria
Prepared itineraries
Koper Regional Museum
The most extensive museum in the Slovenian Istria.
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Koper Regional Museum
Artefact location
1. A pair of gold earrings from grave 39
2. A reconstructed bronze helmet from Mušja cave
3. A short full-armed bronze sword from Brežec
4. A bronze two-stringed fibula from Brežec
5. An iron lanceolate point from Šmihel
6. A leech bronze fibula from Rodik
7. A ceramic situla from Škocjan
8. A bronze statue of Aktaion being attacked by dogs
9. A ceramic oil lamp with the image of a glassblower from Križišče near Lower Škofije
10. An amber strawberry of a necklace